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Monday, June 23, 2008

Trouble with the patching.

Wow, I am glad this photo is blurry. I know people who can weld. Apparently I am not one of them. The face of this patch was not too bad. It had easy enough access, but the patch extends behind the brake pedal/steering collumn bracket. Inside the cowel the surface is rusty and access is limited.
This shot shows some of what I am dealing with. What the shot does not show is that the camera is peaking theous a 1 1/2 by 3 inch hole. It also shows how bad my patch fit was in the hard to reach places.
Some of the welding had to be done through the 1 inch wiper post hole. Not enough light got out of the box to darken my welding lense. Flashed the old eyballs a few times. Got to get beyond this frustration.

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