Time to install the radiator. First test fit. I knew I would have issues using a gasser/non-intercooled core support, but as yet, I did not know what those issues would be. The first problem was the flange set-up for the radiator support. The v-8 gas engines are not as long as the cummins so the radiator was mounted toward the engine on these flanges. The radiator that goes with the cummins and intercooler needs to go between the flanges and fit almost flush with the core support. But alas, the gap is too narrow.

The cross-flow radiator is 30 inches wide. I marked out the cut lines with duct tape. Using the cut-off wheel, I will cut along the edge of the tape.

I am taking off about 2 1/4 inces from each side.

This will leave a 30 inch gap between the flanges.

This is what it looked like after cutting off the driver's side flange. The arrow and the lower red lines indicat additional cutting I need to do. Prior to the additional cutting, the radiator sat up about a half inch too high.

Same issue on the pass. side.

This is a shot before I did the additional cutting. It was the secod test fit, if you will.

This is the drain plug on the drive side befor a cut the clearance below it.

This is the lower outlet on the pass. side with marks indicating the additional cuts mentioned before.

Once finished with all the additional trimming, I was able to test fit the radiator for the third time. This time it fir well, I just need to trim a little on the side by the lower outlet so it does nor rub on the flange. At this point I was able to see that the radiator was right at 1 inch above the bottom of the core support. After scratching my head for a while, I cam up with the plan to cut some brackets out of some scrap frame channel I had lying around. The radiator has two pins on the bottom that fir into rubber bushings that in turn fit into holes that are just under 1 inch in diameter. Since I do not have a drill that big, I wil utilize the hole in the frame channel. Once again, I marked off my cuts with tape. This time I will use the porta-band in the background.

Here are my two brackets almost ready for test fit 4.

This pic shows one of my fabbed lower radiator brackets with the rubber bushing and a burr in a die grinder. The hole was not quite big enough, so a couple of round-i-rounds with the burr were in order.

This is looking straight down between the engine and the core support. You can see the two brackets with bushings sitting doun there. Eventually, I will weld the brackets to the bottom of the core support.

The 4th trial fit put the radiator in almost perfect location but the picture seems to be lost.
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