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Sunday, July 20, 2008

The front driveline from the donor truck bolted right in because the length between the t-case and the front differential did not change. The rear driveline was a different story. I had to take over 20" out of it. The new length was 30.25" center of u-joint to center of u-joint. Since the Dana 60 is just temporary, I had the driveline made-up with the big u-joints that were factory on the cummins trucks. This meant I had to change the pinion yoke on the rear-end. Luckily the splines are the same from one to the other.
Rear joint made-up.
The whole thing. It ended up with very little room for the splines to move. I did not measure it to see if it came out the length I asked for or if it was my mistake in taking the measurement before I changed the yoke. Something to check on.

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